Senin, 17 November 2014


 hari ini gue share about syntax.
sebenarnya ini ada di google, ta barangkali elu lagi kepoin blog gue, trus liat tentang syntax, nah terus lu keinget sama tugas syntax lu. ini dia syntaxnya :)


Syntax is the grammar, structure, or order of the elements in a language statement. (Semantics is the meaning of these elements.) Syntax applies to computer languages as well as to natural languages. Usually, we think of syntax as "word order." However, syntax is also achieved in some languages such as Latin by inflectional case endings. In computer languages, syntax can be extremely rigid as in the case of most assembler languages or less rigid in languages that make use of "keyword" parameters that can be stated in any order.

(1) In linguistics, the study of the rules that govern the ways in which words combine to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. Syntax is one of the major components of grammar.
(2) The arrangement of words in a sentence. Adjective: syntactic.
Traditionally, linguists have recognized a basic distinction between syntax (which is primarily concerned with the ways in which words are put together in sentences) and morphology (which is primarily concerned with the internal structures of words). However, this distinction has been somewhat disrupted by recent research in lexicogrammar.

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